If You Have Advanced Diabetes, You Should Consider In-Home Care


Dealing with diabetes isn't easy for anyone, and it only gets more difficult if it progresses to a worse level. If you or a loved one are struggling with this disease, it's a good idea to get help from a medical professional. However, simply going to the doctor's office or the ER every time there's an issue isn't practical. Here's why in-home care is the best option for dealing with this condition.

Blood Sugar Dips

Blood sugar dips and spikes happen to everyone with diabetes, at least from time to time. However, there's a big difference between standard diabetes and more advanced forms. For example, so-called "brittle diabetes" can cause severe spikes and dips in blood sugar, which can come on suddenly and leave a person with diabetes feeling confused and debilitated, which may prevent them from recognizing what's going on and treating themselves for it.

When this kind of thing happens, it's often much more obvious to people outside of the person with diabetes that something is wrong. Medical professionals, in particular, are able to recognize the signs of high or low blood sugar and can take action to immediately help control it, preventing health damage.

Medication Administration

Another thing to consider is that while taking insulin via syringe is a necessity for a large majority of people with advanced diabetes, that doesn't mean it's easy. Many people struggle to give themselves this medication because it's painful to insert the syringe, and oftentimes the medication can cause discomfort in the injection area, too.

Having in-home care can help because someone else can give you the shot, instead. While it won't necessarily help with the discomfort, it's usually a lot easier for someone to tolerate getting a shot than having to physically give it to themselves.

Wound Care

Lastly, people with diabetes often experience problems with wounds. Issues like skin damage can arise, causing the skin to split open and seep on extremities, like the feet and legs. This problem is made worse when you take into consideration that people with diabetes often can't feel these injuries due to neuropathy developing as a complication of diabetes. Furthermore, diabetes can reduce the body's ability to control and manage infections.

With these things taken into consideration, having an in-home caregiver examine any problem areas daily could literally save one's life, or prevent amputation from becoming a necessity, which is also an unfortunately common complication of severe or advanced diabetes.

For more information, contact an in-home care service in your area.


25 February 2021

Taking Care Of Terminally Ill Loved Ones

When my grandparents were both diagnosed with cancer due to radon in their home, I knew that we were going to be spending a lot of time helping them out. We started focusing on different ways to help them out, but it was really challenging to find the time to care for them. We realized that we needed help, so we started looking for home health care businesses who could come out to help. We found an excellent company who could help, and they were amazing to work with. They made our grandparents feel comfortable and happy each day, and it meant the world to us. Check out this blog for great information on home health care.