When you choose an at-home nursing care provider to come into your home to take care of you, an elderly relative, or a friend, it is beholden to that nursing care provider to adapt to what your preferences are. This professional should not be willing to step out of the knowing-the rules-well box, but they should use the experience to now tailor a working model that's consistent with your current needs.
16 May 2018
Caring for a parent with Alzheimer's disease can be time consuming, stressful, and even inconvenient at times. Hiring a professional Alzheimer's care seervice to assist you may be just what the doctor ordered – here's why: Increase Your Peace of Mind By having a professional aide by your parent's side when you aren't around, you'll likely increase your peace of mind overall throughout the day. There is no need to worry about whether they'll remember to eat a nutritious meal in the middle of the day while you're at work.
3 January 2018
It's easy to feel lost when you see your elderly parent struggling with depression. Whether he or she has recently lost a spouse, is battling an illness, or is simply depressed about aging, it's easy for senior citizens to feel depressed. While you should always do your best to ensure that your parent is receiving professional medical care for this condition, you can also think about ways that you can help.
26 May 2017
When you're getting a helping hand from a home health aide as you manage your ability to live independently, you can talk to this health professional about more than just visiting your home. In many cases, it can be advantageous to have your health aide accompany you outside of your home to attend various medical appointments. If you don't drive, your aide could actually pick you up and take you to your appointments.
24 February 2017
When you hire a home health aide to care for a loved one, you can count on this health professional fulfilling a wide range of duties. While it's customary to hire a health aide when your loved one has trouble with some of the elements related to living independently, you shouldn't discount another service that the aide provides — companionship. In some cases, you may have an elderly family member who is getting by satisfactorily but struggles with being lonely, arranging a visit from a home health aide can provide a good feeling.
23 February 2017
Making the decision of moving a family member or a dear friend into an assisted living facility may turn out to be a very good decision. Maybe you've lately noticed behavioral changes in your dear loved one. Elderly people who live alone may gradually become lonely or depressed. Locked in their homes, they have no social outlets and boredom causes them to become reclusive. Personal care becomes shabby as some seniors fade away into a twilight zone.
16 February 2017
Family caregiving may be full of challenges, but you also enjoyed spending long hours with your aging parent. Now, however, they have decided to move to an assisted living facility, and you are left trying to figure out how to use all your newfound time. While it is normal to feel many emotions such as guilt and even a sense of loss after your loved one makes a change in their care plan, it is also important to celebrate their move toward more independence.
15 February 2017